Brand GuidelinesBrand Guidelines
iD Tech
Our primary logo is used to visually represent and identify our company or brand.

Horizontal with tagline
For use on white or light background

Horizontal without tagline
For use on white or light background

Stacked with tagline
For use on white or light background

Stacked without tagline
For use on white or light background
Green & white
Our green & white logo is used to visually represent and identify our company/brand on dark backgrounds.

Horizontal with tagline
For use on dark backgrounds

Horizontal without tagline
For use on dark backgrounds

Stacked with tagline
For use on dark backgrounds

Stacked without tagline
For use on dark backgrounds
Our white logo is commonly used in specific situations to create a distinct visual impact. Examples are: Contrast on dark backgrounds, limited color options, watermarks, overlays, and monochromatic designs.

Horizontal with tagline
For use on green or dark backgrounds when one color is necessary

Horizontal without tagline
For use on green or dark backgrounds when one color is necessary

Stacked with tagline
For use on green or dark backgrounds when one color is necessary

Stacked without tagline
For use on green or dark backgrounds when one color is necessary
Our grey logo is often chosen for specific purposes and design considerations. Examples are: Printed materials and monochromatic designs.

Horizontal with tagline
All grey

Horizontal without tagline
All grey

Stacked with tagline
All grey

Stacked without tagline
All grey
iD Tech Logo Font
Use in the company logo only.
iD Tech Camps

For use on light backgrounds

For use on light backgrounds
Green & White

For use on dark backgrounds

For use on dark backgrounds

For use on green or dark backgrounds when one color is necessary

For use on green or dark backgrounds when one color is necessary

For use on light backgrounds when one color is necessary

For use on light backgrounds when one color is necessary
Circle Only
Our circle logo is a shorter version of the primary logo and is only to be used within applications or when you do not have enough room for the full horizontal or stacked logos. It may also be used in other design considerations, such as print and embroidery materials.

Use for most applications

All white
Use on dark backgrounds

Use only when green and white do not work
iD Academies

Horizontal logo
For use on light backgrounds

Stacked logo
For use on light backgrounds

White horizontal logo
For use on dark backgrounds

White stacked logo
For use on dark backgrounds
iD Academies Font

Horizontal logo
With dark background, For use on light backgrounds

Vertical logo
With dark background, For use on light backgrounds

Horizontal white logo
No background, For use on dark backgrounds

Vertical white logo
No background, For use on dark backgrounds
Advance Accent Font

Academy Next

Standard logo
For use on light and dark backgrounds, should be used unless specific case

White logo
For use on dark backgrounds where the standard logo cannot be used

Gray logo
For use on light backgrounds where the standard logo cannot be used